..and what these solutions can do for your small business in this ever changing landscape of competing for high ticket clients!


August 3, 2020

affiliate marketing puzzle

Are you ready to start building your own affiliate website? You need to have a website that people can get value from and it needs to be attractive and informative. If you have all of those things, you will be well on your way to building an affiliate website that can earn you a profit!

affiliate marketing puzzle

Before you begin, take a few minutes to consider what kind of website you would like to build. The goal is to provide information and make the web user stay on your website for as long as possible. It also needs to provide value and help people find information related to whatever it is you are offering. It is always easier to attract visitors than to keep them on your site.

Using The Right Keywords

When you think about building a website, you should also consider which keywords you want to use in order to rank well on search engines. Use these keywords in your articles, blogs and in ads you place on your website. This will bring more traffic to your site and help you attract more sales. You need to learn how to use keywords in your website. Once you have learned, you will feel confident enough to use them consistently.

It is also a good idea to get professional design work done. Many websites do not make the most of their space and do not offer the best results when they are built by amateurs. By choosing a professional designer, you will make your site look and work better. Not only will this save you money, but you will also have a professional looking site. You will also be able to get professional web hosting for your affiliate website.

Once you have gotten to this stage, you should have good content and a professional looking design. We understand that it can be a hard road and you would like to see some type of return on your investment. We are going to show you three easy ways in which you can start to make passive income with an affiliate website.


Adsense is perhaps one of the easiest ways to begin making a passive income with your website. As long as you have good quality content on your site that offers value to the visitor and traffic, you should be able to be approved for the Google Adsense Network. All that you have to do is place a small snippet of code in your website and you will get paid when readers click on the ad.

Keep in mind that you need to have either a lot of traffic or a high CPM niche like law or finance to make decent passive income with Adsense. However, it is the easiest to get started with and you will should see money within a couple of days after placing it on your site.


If you have built a website that you can focus on products and reviews, Amazon is the perfect passive income. In this case, you may need to create extra content around product reviews or you can simply link to various products in content that you have already published.

Amazon was a very good source of income, however, they slashed their affiliate commissions and it now takes a lot of sales to make a full time income. However, for beginners, Amazon is a great source of extra income once it starts.

As you can see, it takes some work to make passive income with an affiliate website, but it is well worth it. After the hard work, you will have a website that is working for you all year long, 24 hours per day, allowing you to enjoy more freedom and your life.

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About the author 

George Feelgood

Digital nomad here!
Interested in learning how to generate enough to cover your monthly bills and have enough left over to live a little?

Whether that number is fifty bucks a day or $500, I hope you stick around to discover how to accomplish that goal!

Welcome to the first day of the beginning of your Cubicle-Free life!

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