..and what these solutions can do for your small business in this ever changing landscape of competing for high ticket clients!


October 2, 2024

two boxers as a representation of Thrive Themes vs ClickFunnels

When it comes to building a successful online business, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is choosing the right tools.

You’ve probably heard the names Thrive Themes and ClickFunnels tossed around as the go-to platforms for creating high-converting websites and sales funnels.

But which one’s the better choice for your needs?

Buckle up cupcakes, because we’re about to dive into a no-holds-barred comparison of Thrive Themes vs ClickFunnels.

This’s the only showdown you’ll need to read; – no fluff, just straight facts (with a little bit of fun along the way).

A Tale Of Two Powerful Funnel-Building Funnels

Table of Contents

Before delving into what these platforms are, I feel it’s important to touch base on who the creators of each of these platforms is, if only to add perspective and brevity into the functionality and philosophy of each platform.

Who Founded ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels was founded in 2014 by Russell Brunson, a highly successful entrepreneur, author and digital marketing expert.

Brunson is a well-known figure in the online business world, with his name synonymous with sales funnels.

His vision with ClickFunnels was to create a platform that empowers anyone to build effective sales funnels without needing advanced tech skills.
Over the years, Brunson has authored several bestsellers, like DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets, which have become essential reading for digital marketers.

His work through ClickFunnels revolutionized how entrepreneurs think about and build their online sales processes, and his “funnel hacking” strategies have led to a massive community of users and a thriving ecosystem around the platform.

Who Is Thrive Themes By?

Shane Melaugh, the co-founder and face of Thrive Themes, is a digital entrepreneur and marketer with a passion for conversion optimization.

He launched Thrive Themes in 2013 with a mission to create conversion-focused WordPress tools that help businesses drive more leads and sales through their websites.

With a strong emphasis on practical, user-friendly design, Melaugh and his team have developed a suite of tools that make it easy for WordPress users to create high-converting pages without needing coding knowledge.

Melaugh’s also known for his engaging, no-fluff teaching style, which has attracted a loyal following through the Thrive Themes blog and video tutorials.

His work continues to shape how WordPress users leverage their sites for real business growth.

Introduction: Thrive Themes vs ClickFunnels – Why Go There?

These two platforms both promise to make your life easier when building a website or sales funnel, especially if you do not possess coding skills.

However, each platform tackles the web design problem from entirely different angles.
If ClickFunnel’s like a well-stocked kitchen where you can whip up whatever website recipe you want, Thrive Themes’s the drive-thru that gets your sales funnel served up fast and hot.

You need to know which one fits your style and goals.

What Do These Platforms Offer?

Let’s break it down to the basics: at its core, Thrive Themes’s a collection of WordPress plugins that, once installed and activated, opens up a world of design tools that focus on building high-converting websites and drag and drop funnels, without as much as having any coding experience.
It’s like a Swiss Army knife for WordPress users, filled with tools like Thrive Architect (a drag-and-drop page builder), Thrive Leads (for building your email list) and Thrive Theme Builder.

Alright, let’s talk Thrive Theme Builder: – Thrive Themes’ secret weapon that turns your WordPress platform into a fully customizable, conversion-optimized powerhouse.

If you’re still messing around with cookie-cutter themes, you’re leaving conversions and profits on the table.

Thrive Theme Builder isn’t your average “drag-and-drop” setup. It’s an entirely customizable, no-code-required powerhouse designed for people who want full control over their website’s design without the headache.

Imagine this: You’re not limited by templates anymore.

  • You’re the architect.
  • The designer.
  • The visionary.

Thrive Theme Builder lets you craft a site that’s as unique as your brand and 100% focused on one thing – conversions. Every page, every element is built to convert visitors into leads, leads into customers, and customers into lifelong fans.

And here’s the kicker:

It’s made for anyone, not just developers.

So, whether you’re a solopreneur or a digital marketing wizard, Thrive Theme Builder puts you in the driver’s seat. You get complete control over your headers, footers, sidebars and everything in between.

Want to change something?

Done in seconds.

No messy code, no need to hire a developer.

Plus, the conversion-boosting features Thrive is known for are baked right in; – so you’re not just building a pretty website, you’re creating a lead-generating, sales-driving machine.

Think of it like this: Thrive Theme Builder doesn’t just give you a website.

It hands you a fully optimized, high-converting sales engine wrapped in a beautifully designed bow.

On the flip side, ClickFunnels’s the OG of sales funnel platforms. The one that started it all before there were any drag and drop site builders on the market, laying the groundwork for entrepreneurs to create high-converting funnels without needing a degree in web development.

It simplifies the entire process of selling online by taking your visitors through a seamless, step-by-step journey – from discovering your product, engaging with your offer, and ultimately clicking that all-important “Buy Now” button.

With ClickFunnels, you don’t need to worry about complicated integrations or juggling multiple software solutions.

It’s an all-in-one system that includes landing pages, email marketing, payment processing and even membership site capabilities.

The beauty of ClickFunnels lies in its focus on conversion optimization; – from customizable upsells and downsells to one-click order bumps, everything is engineered to squeeze the maximum value from every customer.

Its intuitive interface makes it accessible for beginners, while advanced marketers appreciate the ability to A/B test every step of their funnel, driving improvements that significantly boost ROI.

ClickFunnels isn’t just a platform; it’s a game-changer for anyone serious about growing their online business, making it easier than ever to turn traffic into sales on autopilot.

That said, both Thrive Themes and ClickFunnels are designed to guide your visitors down a clear path – like from “Oh, this looks interesting” (pre-made design templates) to “Here’s my credit card info.”

Simple, right?

The Online Business Toolbox: Thrive Themes

If you’re a WordPress lover, Thrive Themes is like a candy store.

You get all the goodies for crafting a fully customized site, geared toward converting visitors.

With Thrive, you can create landing pages, quizzes, online courses and lead generation forms, all wrapped up in a WordPress-friendly package.

And it’s not just about beauty; Thrive’s tools focus on optimizing the heck out of your content so your site works harder for you.

The Funnel-Driven Focus of ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels, however, takes a different approach.

It’s all about the funnel – think of it as a highway that leads your audience straight to your product or service.

There’s less customization involved, but the trade-off is speed and focus.

Instead of getting bogged down with endless design tweaks, you’re funneling (see what I did there?) customers from point A to point B as efficiently as possible.

Key Differences Between Thrive Themes and ClickFunnels

So, what’s the fundamental difference here?

Thrive Themes helps you build a powerful WordPress site optimized for conversions, while ClickFunnels is solely focused on creating high-performing sales funnels.

Let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

Purpose: Website Building vs. Sales Funnel Creation

Thrive Themes is about giving you a robust, flexible WordPress site.

Whether you’re building a blog, an e-commerce store or a portfolio, Thrive’s tools let you do it with conversion in mind.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, says, “Forget the website, just get people to buy your stuff!”

It’s built for marketing and selling products fast, without worrying too much about content-heavy sites.

Thrive Themes: The WordPress Powerhouse

Thrive Themes dashboard in post about thrive themes vs clickfunnels

Thrive shines when it comes to customization and versatility.

You’re working within WordPress after all, which means the possibilities are endless, but the downside is you have to spend some time learning the ropes and getting good at “copying” someone else’s landing page and customizing it into your own.

Thrive Architect, their visual editor, lets you design highly polished pages without needing to touch a line of code.

ClickFunnels: The Funnel Factory

ClickFunnels simplifies the process of selling online.

It’s a streamlined platform where you can quickly build sales pages, add products, set up email automations and hit “Go.”

While you’re limited in design options, ClickFunnels’ real power lies in the ease of setting up highly effective sales funnels in just a few clicks.

Pricing Comparison: Which One Costs Less?

Now let’s talk money, because hey, budgets matter.

The cost of each platform can be a game-changer depending on where you’re at with your business.

Thrive Themes Pricing Breakdown

Thrive Themes has a yearly subscription model.

For $299 a year, you get access to the entire Thrive Suite, which includes all of their tools and plugins.

Should you be on a budget, this flat fee can be a lifesaver, especially considering the extensive toolkit you get for your WordPress site.

Thrive Themes Pricing

ClickFunnels Pricing Breakdown

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, is subscription-based, and it’s not exactly cheap.

Plans start at $97 per month for the basic package, but if you want access to their more advanced features, prepare to shell out $297 per month for their Platinum plan.

Over time, ClickFunnels can end up being significantly more expensive than Thrive Themes.

ClickFunnels Pricing

Ease of Use: Which Platform Is More User-Friendly?

While both platforms are powerful, how easy are they to actually use?

Spoiler: It depends on what you’re comfortable with.

Thrive Themes: Flexibility Comes with Complexity

Thrive Themes requires some familiarity with WordPress.

If you’re already comfortable with the WordPress platform, you’ll find Thrive’s drag-and-drop editor intuitive.

However, it does take time to learn how to leverage all of its tools effectively.

You’ve got control over almost every element of your site, but that control comes with the need for some technical savvy.

ClickFunnels: Simplicity for the Non-Tech Savvy

ClickFunnels, in contrast, is much easier for beginners.

The platform was built with the idea that you should be able to set up a funnel in minutes, without needing to know much about design or development.

It’s practically plug-and-play, which is great if you want to launch fast and don’t care too much about full customization.

Features: What Do You Really Get?

Both platforms have tons of features, but how do they compare?

Let’s break it down.

Thrive Themes Features: Tools for WordPress Wizards

With Thrive, you get:

  • Thrive Architect for visual drag-and-drop page building.
  • Thrive Leads to help build your email list.
  • Thrive Quiz Builder to create engaging, interactive content and quizzes.
  • Thrive Apprentice for creating online courses, (think kajabi, teachable, thinkific).

ClickFunnels Features: Funnel Building on Steroids

ClickFunnels simplifies things, offering:

  • Pre-built funnel templates.
  • A/B testing to optimize your funnels.
  • Easy integration with payment gateways and email marketing services.
  • One-click upsells and downsells.

Design Capabilities: Customization vs. Simplicity

When it comes to designing your pages, both platforms have strengths and weaknesses.

Thrive Themes Design: Total Creative Freedom

Thrive Themes gives you near-total freedom in terms of design.

Because you’re working within WordPress, the sky’s the limit.

However, the flipside’s that this flexibility comes with a learning curve.

You’ll need to invest some time in learning how to use all those features effectively.

ClickFunnels Design: Less Is More

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, focuses on simplicity.

The design options are more limited compared to Thrive, but that’s intentional.

You’re funneling customers toward a sale, not trying to create a design masterpiece.

The goal is clarity and speed, not flair.

Target Audience: Who Are These Platforms For?

So, who exactly should use these platforms?

The answer lies in what you’re trying to achieve.

Thrive Themes: For WordPress Lovers and Content Creators

Thrive Themes’s perfect for entrepreneurs who are already comfortable with WordPress and want to build a content-rich website that can also convert.

Bloggers, small business owners and WordPress fans will love the flexibility and power that Thrive offers.

ClickFunnels: For Marketers and Direct Sellers

ClickFunnels Dashboard on a post about Thrive Themes vs Clickfunnels

If your main goal’s to sell products or services as efficiently as possible, ClickFunnels is designed for you.

It’s ideal for digital marketers, online course creators and anyone who wants to run a business based on funnel optimization.

Integration Capabilities: How Well Do They Play with Others?

Integration’s key when you’re running an online business.

How well do these platforms integrate with other tools?

Thrive Themes: WordPress Integration Mastery

Thrive integrates seamlessly with WordPress, which means it plays nicely with thousands of WordPress plugins.

You can easily add e-commerce functionality with WooCommerce or integrate with your email marketing platform (autoresponder) within Thrive Architect at the wordpress page level. The integration’s seamless, and you can connect to any of over 20 applications.

ClickFunnels: All-In-One or Bust?

ClickFunnels has built-in integrations with popular email marketing platforms, payment gateways, and other tools.

However, it’s an all-in-one platform, which means if you’re looking for deep customization or more advanced integrations, you might hit some roadblocks.

Conversion Power: Which Platform Drives More Results?

When it comes to conversion, both platforms pack a punch, but they do it differently.

Thrive Themes Conversion Tools: Focused on Content Marketing

Thrive Themes focuses heavily on building your email list and engaging visitors with content.

Thrive Leads and Quiz Builder are great for capturing leads in a more interactive way, giving you the opportunity to nurture those leads over time.

ClickFunnels Conversion Tools: Streamlining Sales Funnels

ClickFunnels excels at streamlining the sales process. It’s designed to guide users through a sales journey in the most efficient way possible. With features like upsells, downsells, and order bumps, it’s optimized to get as much value as possible from every lead.

Learning Curve: How Easy Is It to Master These Platforms?

Mastering any platform takes time, but let’s see how these two compare.

Thrive Themes: The WordPress Learning Curve

Since Thrive Themes is built on WordPress, it inherits the WordPress learning curve. If you’re already familiar with WordPress, Thrive will be easy enough to grasp, but if you’re new, expect a bit of a challenge.

ClickFunnels: Get Your Funnel Running Fast

ClickFunnels is designed for speed. It’s much easier to set up and get running quickly, making it a better choice for those who want to hit the ground running without learning the ins and outs of a complex platform.

Final Verdict:

Thrive Themes vs ClickFunnels: Which Software’s Right for You?

And now for the million-dollar question: which platform should you go with?

Both ClickFunnels and Thrive Themes are great marketing tools with glowing third-party reviews.

But which one is better for your business?

Only you can answer that question.

Thrive Themes: The Right Fit for WordPress Enthusiasts

If you’re deeply entrenched in the WordPress ecosystem and love creating content, Thrive Themes’s the way to go. It’s a powerful set of tools that will help you get more conversions from your WordPress site while giving you total creative freedom.

ClickFunnels: Best for Funnel-Focused Entrepreneurs

If you’re all about sales funnels and need a simple, fast way to start selling your products or services, ClickFunnels is the no-brainer choice. It’s optimized for one thing – getting results fast.

FAQs About Thrive Themes vs ClickFunnels

1. Can I use Thrive Themes with ClickFunnels?

Yes, you can.

Many users combine the strengths of both platforms, – using Thrive Themes for their main WordPress site and ClickFunnels for specialized sales funnels.

2. Which platform is better for a beginner?

ClickFunnels is easier for beginners due to its simplicity and focus on sales funnels.
That said, should you be familiar with wordpress, then you’ll find Thrive Themes quite easy to navigate and start creating your first landing page or sales page.

3. Do I need WordPress to use Thrive Themes?

Yes, Thrive Themes is a suite of tools designed specifically for WordPress websites.

4. Can ClickFunnels replace a traditional website?

quantity of content you desire to have on your site, you’ll find ClickFunnels limiting, because it’s primarily designed for sales funnels rather than full-scale content-driven websites.

5. Which platform offers better customer support?

Both platforms offer solid customer support.

ClickFunnels: Best for Funnel-Focused Entrepreneurs

If you’re all about sales funnels and need a simple, fast way to start selling your products or services, ClickFunnels is the no-brainer choice. It’s optimized for one thing - getting results fast.

FAQs About Thrive Themes vs ClickFunnels

1. Can I use Thrive Themes with ClickFunnels?

Yes, you can.

Many users combine the strengths of both platforms, - using Thrive Themes for their main WordPress site and ClickFunnels for specialized sales funnels.

2. Which platform is better for a beginner?

ClickFunnels is easier for beginners due to its simplicity and focus on sales funnels.
That said, should you be familiar with wordpress, then you'll find Thrive Themes quite easy to navigate and start creating your first landing page or sales page.

3. Do I need WordPress to use Thrive Themes?

Yes, Thrive Themes is a suite of tools designed specifically for WordPress websites.

4. Can ClickFunnels replace a traditional website?

quantity of content you desire to have on your site, you'll find ClickFunnels limiting, because it’s primarily designed for sales funnels rather than full-scale content-driven websites.

5. Which platform offers better customer support?

Both platforms offer solid customer support.

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About the author 

George Feelgood

Digital nomad here!
Interested in learning how to generate enough to cover your monthly bills and have enough left over to live a little?

Whether that number is fifty bucks a day or $500, I hope you stick around to discover how to accomplish that goal!

Welcome to the first day of the beginning of your Cubicle-Free life!

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