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August 1, 2024

how to make money blogging for free graphic showing woman in shock after making money with blogging

Turn Your Free Blog Into a Money-Making Machine: A Beginner’s Guide to Earning Through Affiliate Marketing

Table of Contents


The Appeal of Starting a Blog for Free

Let’s face it: the idea of starting a blog without spending a dime’s pretty appealing, especially if you’re just testing the waters. Why invest your hard-earned cash in a venture you’re not sure will pay off?

That’s where the beauty of free blogging platforms comes in. You get to start your blogging journey without the financial risk, and who knows? You might just turn it into a profitable venture.

But here’s the big question: how do you actually make money from a free blog?

Enter affiliate marketing – a strategy that allows you to earn money by promoting products and services that you genuinely believe in. It’s a match made in blogging heaven, especially for beginners who want to monetize their passion without upfront costs.

Why Affiliate Marketing is Perfect for Beginners

Affiliate marketing’s like a buffet – there’s something for everyone, and you get to pick what works best for you.

The beauty of it is that you don’t need to create your own products, manage inventory, or worry about shipping. You simply recommend products that align with your blog’s niche, and when someone makes a purchase through your affiliate link,

Ka-Ching, you earn a commission.

It’s simple, scalable and, best of all, it’s free to get started.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

The Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing’s a bit like being a middleman, but instead of getting paid under the table, you’re earning legitimate commissions for connecting buyers with products they need.

Here’s how it works: you join an affiliate program, get a unique link to promote a product and, when someone clicks that link and buys the product, you get a slice of the pie.

Easy, right?

how affiliate marketing for blogging works infographic

How Affiliate Marketing Works for Bloggers

For bloggers, affiliate marketing’s a dream come true.

You’re already creating content, so why not throw in a few recommendations for products you love? It’s like chatting with a friend about your favorite gadget – only now, you’re getting paid for it.

The key’s to integrate affiliate links naturally into your content, so it doesn’t feel like you’re constantly trying to sell something.

Remember, your readers are there for your advice, not just your links.

How to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money: Choosing the Perfect Platform

Starting a Blog for Free

Starting a blog for free’s like getting the keys to a shiny new car – exciting, full of potential, but only if you choose the right ride to take you on your journey. The blogging world’s your open road, and the platform you choose is the vehicle that’ll get you to your destination: a profitable blog.

So, let’s pick the perfect set of wheels for your adventure into the world of blogging.

WordPress.com: A Beginner’s Best Friend

WordPress.com’s like the trusty training wheels of the blogging universe – ideal for those just starting out and eager to learn the ropes without getting overwhelmed. It offers a free plan that covers hosting, basic themes and just enough customization to let you dip your toes into the water.
Plus, its user-friendly interface’s as smooth as a Sunday drive, so you won’t be pulling your hair out trying to figure things out.

Blogger: Simplicity at Its Best

Looking for something that’s no fuss, no muss?

Blogger might be your perfect match.
Owned by Google, it’s the blogging equivalent of a reliable commuter car – simple, straightforward, and gets the job done without a hitch. Seamlessly integrated with other Google services, it’s a breeze to set up and free to use, making it a no-brainer for those who want to get on the road fast without needing any technical know-how.

Medium: For Writers Who Love to Write

If you’re more about the journey than the destination, Medium’s your kind of road trip.

Picture it as the cool, hip coffee shop where all the creatives hang out – focused on the writing itself and not so much on the bells and whistles.
If you’re less concerned with design and more about sharing your thoughts with the world, Medium’s your ideal platform. It’s free (ish), comes with a built-in audience, and even has a Partner Program that lets you earn money based on the engagement your posts receive.

But here’s the plot twist: To unlock your full creative potential on Medium, you’ll need to fork over a cool $5 a month. Think of it as buying a virtual latte at that hip coffee shop – except instead of caffeine, you get access to create your own publication and the chance to earn revenue from your words.

So yes, it’s official, whilst Medium was indeed free – you now need to pay to play on Medium, but hey, what’s a few bucks in exchange for getting paid to be your brilliant, creative self?

Just consider it an investment in your writing career, with a side of caffeine-inspired creativity.

Wix: Design-Friendly and Free

Want a bit more control over the look and feel of your blog?

Think of Wix as the customizable sports car of free blogging platforms. It offers a free plan with hosting, a drag-and-drop website builder, and a variety of customizable templates. Perfect for those who want their blog to stand out from the crowd without getting bogged down in code.

With Wix, your blog can be as sleek and stylish as you want it to be – without costing you a penny.

a woman sitting on a chair with a laptop- blogging to make money

Finding Free Affiliate Programs

The Benefits of Free Affiliate Programs

Joining a free affiliate program’s like getting into a club with no cover charge – you get all the benefits without having to spend a dime.

The best part?

These programs offer you the chance to earn money by promoting products you already use and love. It’s a win-win situation that costs you nothing but could bring in a steady stream of income.

Top Affiliate Programs to Join for Free

Here’re some of the top free affiliate programs that are perfect for new bloggers:

Amazon Associates: The Go-To for New Bloggers

Amazon Associates’s like the Beyoncé of affiliate programs – iconic, widely recognized, and pretty much unbeatable!

If you’re a new blogger stepping into the world of affiliate marketing, this is your golden ticket.


Because Amazon has just about everything under the sun, and probably a few things you didn’t even know you needed.

With millions of products to choose from, it’s like having an endless buffet of options – whether your blog’s about tech gadgets, kitchen appliances, or quirky pet supplies, you’re bound to find something that perfectly fits your niche.

The best part?

The sign-up process’s as smooth as butter on warm toast. YUM!

You don’t need a PhD in affiliate marketing to get started; just sign up, grab your links, and you’re off to the races.

Sure, the commissions might not be life-changing on each individual sale – it’s not like you’re buying a yacht with your first month’s earnings – but they add up faster than you’d think. Especially when you consider that most people can’t resist adding a few extra items to their cart when they’re on Amazon.

Who knew that promoting a humble $10 gadget could lead to a commission from someone’s $500 impulse shopping spree?

And let’s be honest – who doesn’t shop on Amazon? It’s the digital equivalent of a Swiss Army knife: convenient, reliable, and stocked with just about everything.

Whether your readers are seasoned online shoppers or just browsing for a deal, there’s a good chance they’re already comfortable with Amazon, which means they’re more likely to trust your recommendations and click on your affiliate links.

In short, Amazon Associates’s the go-to for a reason – it’s a tried-and-true option for new bloggers looking to dip their toes into affiliate marketing without the hassle of niche-specific programs.

So go ahead, start linking, and watch those commissions start rolling in, one click at a time.

Rakuten Advertising: A Versatile Choice

Rakuten Advertising’s like the best friend you can always rely on of affiliate programs – it’s got a little bit of everything. Whether your blog focuses on fashion, tech or travel, Rakuten has a wide range of merchants to choose from.

The platform is easy to navigate, and the reporting tools help you track your performance with ease.

ShareASale: Diverse Options for Every Niche

ShareASale is another popular affiliate network that’s free to join and offers a diverse selection of merchants. It’s perfect for bloggers in any niche, from beauty to home improvement. The platform is user-friendly, and the commission rates vary depending on the merchant, giving you plenty of opportunities to earn.

Creating Free, High-Quality Content

Why Content is King (Even on a Budget)

Content is the lifeblood of your blog. It’s what attracts readers, keeps them engaged, and ultimately drives them to click on your affiliate links.

The best part?

Creating quality content doesn’t cost a thing – just a bit of time, creativity, and maybe a cup of coffee (or two).

Types of Content That Drive Traffic and Conversions

Here’re some content ideas that are perfect for promoting affiliate products:

Product Reviews: Honesty Sells

People trust reviews from bloggers they follow, so be honest in your assessments. If you genuinely love a product, your enthusiasm will shine through, and your readers will be more likely to click on your affiliate link.

How-to guides are a fantastic way to provide value to your readers while subtly promoting affiliate products. Think about the common questions or problems within your niche and create step-by-step guides to help your audience.
For example, if you’re in the tech niche, you might write a guide on “How to Set Up a Home Office on a Budget” and include affiliate links to recommended products like desks, monitors and ergonomic chairs.

By solving your readers’ problems, you build trust and make it more likely they’ll click on your recommendations.

Listicles: The Power of Lists

Listicles are popular because they’re easy to read and packed with valuable information. Titles like “Top 10 Free Blogging Tools Every New Blogger Needs” or “5 Best Budget-Friendly Fitness Gadgets” draw in readers looking for quick, actionable tips.

Each item on your list is an opportunity to include an affiliate link, offering readers convenient ways to purchase the products you recommend.

Social Media Promotion: Free Traffic Boost

Social media’s your free megaphone to the world. Share your blog posts across your social media platforms to drive traffic back to your site. Create eye-catching graphics, write engaging captions and don’t forget to include those all-important affiliate links.

Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter are particularly effective for reaching a broader audience without spending a dime.

Driving Free Traffic to Your Blog

SEO: Your Best Friend in the World of Free Blogging

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like the secret sauce that makes your blog stand out in a crowded internet landscape. By optimizing your posts with relevant keywords, you can improve your blog’s visibility on search engines like Google, driving organic traffic to your site without paying for ads.

Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to find keywords related to your niche, and sprinkle them naturally throughout your content. Long-tail keywords – those longer, more specific phrases are particularly effective for free blogging, as they’re often less competitive.

Leveraging Social Media Without Spending a Dime

Social media isn’t just about cat videos and food pics – it’s a powerful tool for promoting your blog.

The best part?

It’s completely free!

Share your blog posts on platforms like Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Pinterest to reach a wider audience. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, asking questions and encouraging them to share your content. The more you interact, the more likely your content will spread, driving traffic back to your blog.

Guest Posting: Building Credibility and Backlinks

Guest posting’s like getting an invitation to someone else’s party – you get to reach a new audience and build credibility in your niche. Write guest posts for other blogs related to your topic, and include a link back to your own blog. Not only does this drive traffic, but it also helps build valuable backlinks, which boost your SEO.

The more authoritative the site you guest post on, the more SEO juice you get.

Email Marketing: The Power of Free Email Tools

Email marketing is often overlooked by new bloggers, but it’s one of the most effective ways to build a loyal audience.
Start building an email list using free tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit’s free plan. Offer your readers something of value – like a free eBook or a weekly tips newsletter – in exchange for their email address. Once you’ve built a list, you can send regular updates, promote new blog posts and share affiliate products directly with your subscribers. It’s a cost-effective way to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

email marketing stats detailing the usage of emails, therefore great for blogging and affiliate marketing


Monetizing Your Free Blog: Best Practices

Focus on Value Over Sales

When it comes to affiliate marketing, it’s easy to fall into the trap of pushing sales too hard. But here’s the thing – your readers can tell when you’re more interested in their wallets than in helping them.

Focus on providing value first.

If you genuinely help your readers solve their problems, the sales will follow naturally. Be their trusted guide, not just another salesperson.

Transparency: Building Trust with Your Audience

Transparency is key in affiliate marketing.

Always disclose your affiliate relationships to your readers.

Not only is it required by law (hello, FTC guidelines), but it also builds trust.

Let your audience know that you may earn a commission if they make a purchase through your links, but emphasize that you only recommend products you believe in.

When your readers trust you, they’re more likely to follow your recommendations.

Tracking Performance Without Spending Money

You don’t need fancy paid tools to track your blog’s performance. Google Analytics is free and gives you a wealth of information about your site’s traffic, user behavior and more.

Most affiliate programs also have their own dashboards where you can track clicks, conversions and earnings. Use this data to figure out what’s working and what isn’t. Experiment with different types of content, affiliate products and promotional strategies to see what resonates best with your audience.

Adapting to Trends and Staying Updated

The blogging and affiliate marketing landscapes are always evolving. What works today might not work tomorrow, so it’s important to stay updated on industry trends. Follow other bloggers in your niche, join blogging communities, and keep an eye on what’s new in the world of affiliate marketing.

Be willing to adapt and try new things, whether that’s experimenting with video content, exploring new affiliate programs, or adjusting your SEO strategy.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Neglecting the Importance of Quality Content

Even if you’re blogging for free, the quality of your content should never take a backseat. Your readers come to you for valuable information, and if you don’t deliver, they’ll go elsewhere. Always prioritize quality over quantity. One well-written, informative post is worth more than a dozen poorly researched ones. Make sure your content is clear, engaging, and genuinely helpful.

Overloading Your Blog with Ads

While it’s tempting to monetize every inch of your blog, overloading it with ads can do more harm than good. Too many ads can make your site look cluttered and spammy, driving readers away. Focus on a few well-placed ads that complement your content, and keep the user experience in mind. Remember, a happy reader is more likely to stick around and engage with your affiliate links.

Ignoring Mobile Optimization

More and more people are browsing the internet on their phones, so if your blog isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on a huge audience. Make sure your blog looks great and functions well on all devices, from desktops to smartphones. Most free blogging platforms offer responsive design templates that automatically adjust to different screen sizes. Test your site on multiple devices to ensure it’s easy to navigate, no matter where your readers are viewing it.

Forgetting About Legal Requirements and Disclosures

Don’t forget about the legal side of blogging. In addition to disclosing your affiliate relationships, make sure you have a privacy policy and terms of service in place. These documents outline how you handle user data and protect yourself legally. Many free blogging platforms offer templates for these policies, making it easy to stay compliant.

Recap and Final Thoughts

The Journey of Free Blogging and Making Money

Starting a blog for free and turning it into a money-making venture is entirely possible – with the right strategies. From choosing the right platform and creating high-quality content to leveraging affiliate marketing and driving traffic, every step you take brings you closer to monetizing your blog. The journey might have its challenges, but with persistence and creativity, you can turn your passion into profit without spending a dime.

Encouragement to Start Your Free Blogging Journey Today

Don’t let the idea of starting a blog for free and making money intimidate you. It’s a learning process, but one that’s incredibly rewarding. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your blog grow into something that not only fulfills your creative passions but also brings in a steady stream of income.

Now that you know how to start a blog for free and make money – what are you waiting for?

How to start a blog for free and make money graphic


How long does it take to make money from a blog? The timeline for making money from a blog varies widely. Some bloggers start earning within a few months, while others may take a year or more. The key is consistency, quality content and effective monetization strategies like affiliate marketing.

Can I really start a blog for free and make money? Yes, you absolutely can! With free blogging platforms and affiliate programs, you can start a blog without spending any money and begin earning through smart content creation and promotion.

What are the best free tools to start a blog? Some of the best free tools for starting a blog include WordPress.com, Blogger and Wix for the platform, Google Analytics for tracking performance, and Canva for creating blog graphics.

How do I attract readers to my free blog? Attracting readers involves a combination of SEO, social media promotion, guest posting, and consistent, high-quality content. Engaging with your audience through comments and email marketing also helps build a loyal readership.

Is it possible to monetize a blog without affiliate marketing? Yes, it’s possible to monetize a blog without affiliate marketing. Other options include selling your own products or services, offering online courses, displaying ads and using platforms like Patreon to receive support from your readers.

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About the author 

George Feelgood

Digital nomad here!
Interested in learning how to generate enough to cover your monthly bills and have enough left over to live a little?

Whether that number is fifty bucks a day or $500, I hope you stick around to discover how to accomplish that goal!

Welcome to the first day of the beginning of your Cubicle-Free life!

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